Carriers: Full-fledged actors for a safer Europe

Enhanced European security and Schengen border management: What carriers need to know

The strengthening of controls at Europe's external borders has become a priority for both European Institutions and Member States of the Schengen area. It comes as part of fundamental and continuous changes in the European security landscape that aim to combat crime and prevent irregular immigration patterns by combining existing legacy systems (such as the Schengen Information System , EURODAC1 and Visa Information System) with new homeland security IT systems. The new systems are the Entry Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).

Learn more in our whitepaper

The goal of this whitepaper is to raise awareness of the implementation of these new entry and exit regulations, which will become mandatory for all passenger carriers to and from the Schengen area in 2025.

  • Familiarise yourself with the Entry-Exit System (EES) and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).
  • Find out what carriers need to do to comply with EES and ETIAS regulations
  • Be aware of the consequences for carriers if they fail to comply with EES and ETIAS regulations
  • Learn what Sopra Steria can do to support carriers as they prepare for this new role in creating a safer Europe


"Carriers: full-fledged actors for a safer Europe" provides practical guidance to organisations involved in the movement of Third Country Nationals (TCN), the importance of compliance with EES and ETIAS requirements, and the consequences they may face if fail to comply.

Download our whitepaper: "Carriers: Full-fledge actors for a safer Europe"

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