Trefdag Digitaal Vlaanderen, an event organized by the Flemish Information Agency (AIV, equivalent to DIGIT), took place on Thursday 29 November 2018 at the ICC in Ghent. The focus this year was on AIV’s mission to digitize the regional and local public administrations in order to facilitate the service to citizens, businesses and other (government) organizations.
56 partners presented their organization, products and services at the info fair, where Sopra Steria participated as a premium partner displaying its own digital solutions and innovative projects.
In the program, the more than 2,000 visitors could choose from no less than 40 workshops and information sessions. On behalf of Sopra Steria, Jeroen Cornelissen gave an illustrative presentation on Data Governance in front of an attentive crowd.
Fundamental change is needed for government to deliver truly joined-up services that meet the increasing needs of today's and tomorrow's society. Sopra Steria, leader in digital transformation, is at the forefront of this change by empowering governments to meet those challenges head on.