Stay Ahead of change with data. The future is now.

We all know data about us and our behaviors are being gathered constantly. But what is actually done with all that information? And how is it used for AI? At Ordina, our Data Science and AI services combine statistics, mathematics and IT to create algorithms that optimize processes and improve services. We also create, implement, maintain and offer consultancy on data-driven solutions.

Our data scientists build applications with the help of AI and machine learning. They help customers in four ways:

True partner

We’re with you from start to finish. From analysis to creating the solution and implementation. And we support you with maintenance.

Industry specialists

Ordina has experts for manufacturing, supply chain, logistics and pharmaceutical companies.

Multidisciplinary teams

We ensure you’re compliant every step of the way with our privacy and security experts embedded in our integration teams.

Consultancy services

AI and algorithms present challenges of their own. We provide advice on all aspects including those produced by other vendors.

Data Science and AI services

Our data scientists build applications with the help of AI and machine learning. Discover our cutting-edge services that help you stay Ahead of change.