Semantic datamanagement

Without semantics your data is useless

We live in a digital era. Data has rapidly become one of the most valuable assets. It isn’t enough to simply use data in processes and applications. Managing data as an asset by itself is becoming a priority. Our Semantic Datamanagement solution will help you to describe the meaning of your data in a standard that is readable for both humans and machines. This enables your organization to transform your data quickly and consciously into meaningful information.​

Business benefits

Semantic datamanagement

Transform your data into meaningful information that is readable for both humans and machines.


Ensure accountability and transparency regarding the use of your data.

Clear communication

Collaborate more effectively with chain partners, for example, because you understand and can use each other's data.

Enable AI and machine learning

Make processes more efficient by automating, for example by using machine learning, artificial or augmented intelligence (AI).

Semantic datamanagement

Off the shelf

Our teams are trained in a standard way of working, based on international standards.


We have a proven track record for over ten years in large and complex environments.

Ability to execute

Our teams are drawn from a pool of over twenty semantic data management specialists.

Ability to scale

We educate internal colleagues to extend the group of specialists, these courses are also highly regarded by our customers to train their employees.

Ability to adapt

Our approach can be used with multiple technology stacks, depending on the context of the customer, it is application independent.

Ahead of change

We take part in national and international communities to further develop our approach and international standards.